Healing Properties Of Labradorite

The Stone of Magic

Labradorite Moon Shaped

Labradorite is made up of sodium calcium aluminum silicate, with a hardness of 6.

It is part of the feldspar family. The stone itself is dark in color but typically has a flash of color in the stone that will vary from blue, violet, or green.

The name came from the Labrador Peninsula in Canada. Labradorite is a commonly found and used stone.

Chakra(s): All

Where it can be found: Mexico, Russia, United States, Madagascar, Australia, Ukraine, Italy, Greenland

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 

Healing Properties

Labradorite is a beautiful gemstone known for its mesmerizing play of colors, which can range from iridescent blues and greens to flashes of gold and copper. In terms of metaphysical properties, labradorite is believed to possess several beneficial qualities:

1. Protection and Shielding: Labradorite is often associated with spiritual protection, acting as a shield against negative energies and psychic attacks. It is thought to create a barrier that prevents unwanted energies from entering your aura.

2. Intuition and Awareness: This gemstone is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It can help you tap into your inner wisdom, promoting self-discovery and spiritual growth. Labradorite is often used as a tool for enhancing meditation practices and connecting with higher realms of consciousness.

3. Transformation and Change: Labradorite is associated with transformation and change, assisting in times of transition and personal growth. It is believed to help you let go of old patterns and behaviors, encouraging positive transformation and embracing new opportunities.

4. Balance and Harmony: This gemstone is thought to bring balance and harmony to one’s life. It may help relieve stress, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances, promoting a sense of calmness and self-confidence.

5. Creativity and Inspiration: Labradorite is often considered a stone of creativity and inspiration. It can stimulate your imagination, enhance your artistic abilities, and help you think outside the box.

Remember, these metaphysical properties are based on beliefs and personal experiences. It’s always important to trust your own intuition and use labradorite in a way that resonates with you.

How to use Labradorite

There are various ways to use labradorite in order to harness its metaphysical properties. Here are a few common methods:

1. Jewelry: Wearing labradorite jewelry, such as pendants, necklaces, bracelets, or rings, allows for constant contact with the stone throughout the day. This can help you align with its energy and experience its benefits.

2. Meditation: Before starting your meditation practice, hold a labradorite stone in your hand or place it nearby. Focus your attention on its colors and patterns, allowing its energy to guide you deeper into your meditation. You can also visualize the stone’s protective and transformative qualities while meditating.

3. Energy Clearing: Labradorite is believed to be helpful in clearing and protecting your energy field. You can hold a labradorite stone in your hand and visualize any negative or stagnant energy being absorbed by the stone. Alternatively, you can place labradorite stones around your living space or workspace to create a protective and energetically balanced environment.

4. Chakra Alignment: Labradorite is often associated with the third eye chakra, which is the center of intuition and spiritual awareness. You can place a labradorite stone on your forehead during meditation to stimulate and activate this chakra. This can enhance your intuition, psychic abilities, and clarity of thought.

5. Creativity and Inspiration: If you’re seeking inspiration or trying to tap into your creative potential, hold a labradorite stone in your hand while brainstorming, writing, painting, or engaging in any other creative activity. Allow the stone’s energy to flow through you and ignite your imagination.

Labradorite is truly a magnificent stone that can offer you so many benefits. By using Labradorite, you can shield yourself from any negative energies that may come your way. It acts as a protective barrier, ensuring that none of your precious energy escapes from your aura.

Not only is Labradorite a great stone to wear as jewelry, but it can also be placed in your home to create a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere. Just being in its presence can allow you to feel its powerful energies.

One of the remarkable qualities of Labradorite is its ability to open your mind to the endless possibilities that exist beyond our own reality. It can help you become aware of the multiple universes, worlds, and dimensions that are out there. This newfound awareness can aid in your spiritual growth and learning.

Furthermore, Labradorite holds a soothing and calming energy that can help alleviate anxiety and stress. It acts as a gentle reminder to let go of worries and embrace a more tranquil state of mind.

So, whether you’re seeking protection, spiritual growth, or simply a sense of serenity, Labradorite is an incredible stone to have in your life.

One response to “Healing Properties Of Labradorite”

  1.  Avatar

    I’m so inlove with Labradorite, I got my first piece and I’m enjoying and learning to let it work for me.

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