Pyrite Healing Properties

pyrite sphere

Pyrite is a iron sulfide mineral with a hardness of 6. The colors of pyrite are typically yellowish gold. Pyrite is commonly known as fools gold. A very commonly found and used stone. The name of pyrite comes from the greek word pyr meaning fire.

Chakra(s): Solar Plexus

Where it can be found: Spain, Italy, Peru, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Africa 

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Healing Properties

Boosts will power, helps to break bad habits

Attracts money, luck, success

Helps to overcome fear and anxiety

Brings mental clarity and focus 

Carries a masculine energy

Connects to the earths energy, grounding 

Protects from negative energies

Promotes overall physical well being 

Boosts the want to accomplish goals

Ways to use Pyrite

Pyrite is safe to clean with water

Safe to charge in the sun 

Hold a piece of pyrite in each hand while meditating, will provide you with a boost of energy

Blends well with the energies of Golden Labradorite, Hematite, Carnelian, Zincite, Citrine

Helps with male infertility

Place pyrite in a business or workspace to promote success, money, will power

Experience using Pyrite

Pyrite would be my go to stone when it comes to attracting money and success. When holding or using pyrite I feel a strong energy of money and luck.

 I keep it in my work space to help me stay focused and provides me with a can do attitude. Helps to achieve my goals in the long run. I find pyrite provides me with will power and persistence to accomplish the tasks I set out to do for the day. 

Using pyrite is great for a multitude of different things. It makes a good stone to use to protect against negative energies. Use pyrite when you need assistance with accomplishing a goal or task.

 Pyrite holds a grounding energy that helps you staying grounded and focused. With the help of pyrite boosting your will power makes it easier to break bad habits. 

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